Warm up
10 rounds for time.
Farmers carry.
Weighted lunges 20
Turkish get ups 10 each arm
Vertical Jumps 10.
There will be a few changes to the Schedule so please make note. Tues and Thursday 5:30 pm classes will no longer be held. as well as Friday 8:30 pm. Teen classes will now be held Tueday and Thursday at 5:45.
We are also adding a weekly Basic Movement Class, Tuesdays at 7:30pm. This class has a cost of 25 dollars each time you choose to attend it. I recommend everyone attend at least once. We spend 1 hour on different movements and really perfect your form. You will need to sign up for this class in advance, so there will be a sign up at the gym.
When there is more interest we will bring back a Tuesday and Thursday evening class, but for now Monday Wednesday and Friday are still on.