3 Rounds for time
10 Handstand Push ups
17 Squat Snatch 75/45
11 Chest to bar Pullups
So this week we want you to post recipes that are paleo or zone friendly. I hope every one is still trying to improve there eating every day. Do it for your self because you deserve it.
Friday 6:30 class is cancelled this week, but 8:30 is still on.
Keep bringing in those friends they get a week free to try it out.
Deadlift : 135, 185, 205
ReplyDeleteWOD: 15:31 - used a box for the pushups, and a 45# bar for the snatches (dropped to the 30# bar halfway through the last round).
Deadlift 125, 135, 155
ReplyDeleteWOD: I don't remember my time. Maybe 13 something? Box for the push ups, 30# bar for the snatches. Dang, I was thinking that was a 35# bar but Ernie says it's 30#. Used the blue band for pull ups, pretty sure almost none of them were high enough but I really tried. Hard stuff as always but good!
Eggs, sausage, spinach, pepper goulash for breakfast. Driking water. Lunch will be leftover grass-fed beef burger with no bun and these awesome mini-zucchinis I found at Harmons.
I think we are having halibut for dinner. I have not been very hungry lately, so I'm just trying to listen to my body and eat just enough to feel full when I am actually hungry. I think sometimes we worry too much about eating just because it is "time" to eat, eating enough calories, constant snacks, etc. so I'm trying to follow my own advice and pay attention to how I feel.
I'll post a recipe later, for now I need to do something about this stink because I still.haven't.showered!!
This wod about killed me. I used the 24" box for push ups, 30# bar for the snatch and the blue band for the pull ups. My time was 15:44. Deadlift was 155#, 165#, and 175#.