Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Monday December 5

Warm up

3 sets of 3 Muscle ups

Thrusters 65/95



  1. What?!? No posts yet? Everyone at the 6am class killed it. Maybe everyone is laying still on the ground trying to recover. I am pretty much useless right now.

    Even though I was the slowest in the class this morning (10:40), I both rx'd it for the first time, and pr'd.

    I feel like I conquered you this morning Fran, but I still hate you.

    If anyone is interested, here is Coach Glassman talking about how Fran came to be. Warning: there is some strong language here. Don't watch it around your parents or small impressionable children (like Brayden)

  2. Fran (65#) - 8:27

    All I want for Christmas is to be able to do a muscle up.

  3. Fran (45#) jumping pullups with the green band.
    After being gone a month Fran is just what I needed to remind me why I love CF! I have much to improve on and I am looking forward to it. Great to see everyone this morning!

  4. Longest 8 minutes of my life. Congrats to everyone on their hard work!

    8:02, 55#

    Yes, it's time to cut the umbilical cord. No more blue band for me.

    Here's the muscle up vid I was talking about...

  5. Thanks for sharing both videos Jer and Heleen. My favorite comment after watching the muscle up vid "This is straight up Crossfit porn."

    Favorite quote from Coach Glassman when asked where the name Fran came from. "Anything that left you flat on your back looking up at the sky saying what the (word removed for Brayden)happened to me? Deserves a females name."

  6. My baby is sick so I had to miss today. I am still hoping to do Fran this week sometime. My goal is to do it Rx. It will probably take me 20 mins.

  7. Corey... come tonight! See ya at 8:30 :)

  8. Ohhhh Fran. FranFranFran.

    That's all I'll say.

    I killed it today with a time of 9:29! We'll see how I'm doing tomorrow.

    I've got a question about strapless heart rate monitors. Anyone have any advice? Worth the purchase? Any suggestions on models?

    Thanks to all for helping me keep going!
