Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wednesday December 14

Warm up

10 mins to get 3 rep Squat Snatch.


15 min AMRAP

20 Lunges
25 Wall balls
30 Sit ups



  1. Squat snatch: 60#
    WOD: 4 rounds plus 22 sit ups

    Not trying to beat the man-child Brayden in pull ups. Just trying to motivate him to work on them with me! is pull up December coming along? I'm stringing a few together, but still wondering how I do that in a regular workout. Eating an elephant I suppose.

  2. I saw you.yesterday and you are doing great! I got 5 ok a row the other day but, I can't seem to do more then 1 or 2 in a workout either.I guess will keep trying.
    Squat snatch 50#
    WOD 4 rounds plus 25 wall balls,.20 lunges and 13 sit ups

  3. Life gets pretty busy during the holidays. I do my best to choose events carefully so I don't get overbooked and stressed. Still, there is always much to be done. When life gets crazy, the first thing we neglect is eating properly (and sleeping, and workouts). Can I get an AMEN?!
    Ideas for staying on track:
    1. It can wait. Yes, that phone call, online order, facebook post, even hungry kid (GASP!)can wait. Take 3 minutes to feed yourself. Even if it's just a protein shake, green smoothie, or a slice of lunchmeat with an apple and handful of nuts. Take care of your intake first. Then tackle all your jobs with a better attitude (since you just had something to eat you won't be cranky).
    2. Keep the crap out of the house. Well-intentioned neighbors are going to be delivering all kinds of goodies to your door. Give a cookie to each of your kids and throw away the rest. Yes, I said THROW IT AWAY.
    3. Keep good stuff in the house. Today I skipped breakfast. I got busy and before I knew it it was noon and I was ready to chew my own arm off (hungry+angry=hangry!). I also didn't have time to do anything about it. So I grabbed a handful of sugar snap peas, handful of baby carrots, cut a hunk off the rotisserie chicken (ate it cold), and a handful of almonds. Having some decent stuff on hand saved me because this was a moment where if there were chips in my cupboard I would have eaten them.
    4. Drink. Not the whiskey from the bottle you want to swig right before your mother-in-law arrives...I'm talking about water. Lots of it! Getting dehydrated will sap your much needed energy.
    5. Take vitamins. This topic could be several posts, or even several books but we're busy people and don't have time for that right now. Try a few doses of a multi-vitamin. Take vitamin D (especially with the lack of sunlight we get in the winter), B-vitamins (some find they provide a little energy boost), and mix Emergen-C in your water bottle. Use some supplements to keep you going instead of that caffeinated 32oz soda.

    Any other ideas? Post them!

  4. So, the question for me has been whether to post WOD results form the 830 pm class... or not. It seems like its old news...Mabye ill post during the day what time ill like to get or rounds im going to achieve in an AMRAP. What do you think?

  5. DW - I'd like to see your scores here. I'm not always there the next day to see it on the board.

    Everyone else should post their results too! It's inspiring to see people getting stronger and faster.

  6. Dave im just glad to see you post. Let's get more people posting there results. I actually got a workout in today. 15 min amrap 500 meter row, 30 situps and 25 back extensions. I got 3 rounds plus 100 meter row, still babying a pulled muscle.
