Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wednesday October 26

Warm up

Back Squats

3 rounds for time.

40 double unders
30 situps
20 med ball cleans
10 Hand stand push ups



  1. This morning's work out was a fun one. Granted I didn't Rx(Plus) it like clark did, but i was still huffing and puffing at the end.

    Front Squat: 135,185,205,215,225,235
    Wod: 10:30 (Singles, 20# Wall ball, Box Push Ups)

  2. Nice work Jer. You still out-lifted me. I'm going to have to step it up.

    Lift: 135, 185, 205, 205, 215, 225
    WOD: 16:09 (40 DU's in a row, baby!, GHDs, 20# med ball, HSPUs single leg kip)

    didn't get to the bonus, maybe later today, who knows.

  3. Could we maybe move the workout on Monday to 10:30 am instead of 9:30? Does everybody have the elementary halloween parade? If not that is fine just thought I would check.

  4. I think lindons parade is on Monday, so come friday at 10:30 and I will work out with you. As for Monday class will be changed to 10:30. Thanks for bringing that up.

  5. Ours is Monday too, but I will still come in Friday at 10:30 if you want me too. As long as you don't beat me too bad
