Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Friday September 9

Warm up

5 rounds for time
40 double unders
30 boxjumps
20 kettlebell swings.

Please note Friday night classes are cancelled.  Clark will be teaching Saturday morning so come have some fun.


  1. Ouch, that was hard. But it was fun too!

    I'm such a slacker, I don't remember my time. I think it was 16:42 done RX.

    5 X (40 Double-unders + 30 Box Jumps (24") + 20 KB Swings @ 44#) = Pain and suffering in the moment and much satisfaction later...I think.

  2. Scaled:
    3 rounds
    single unders (i.e. regular jump-roping - 120 reps instead of 40)
    20" box jumps (steps instead of jumps)
    12 kg (26#) kettle bell

    Time 12:58

  3. Scaled to 3 round
    120- singles jumps
    30- 16" box steps
    20- 26# kettle bell swings
    Time: 13:27ish? Too tired to remember exactly :)

    Great work put! Discovering new under used muscles every day!!

  4. I have to admit, I am glad I missed this workout. I look forward to coming back Monday tho
