Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Friday October 28

Warm up

overhead squats

5 Rounds for time
7 Squat Cleans 155#
14 Kettle bell swings



  1. That picture's great. Attendance was slim at 6am today. I hope the ones who didn't come aren't haunted with the sound of mew-ing in their sleep tonight.

    I'm still lousy at my OHS form. With a box behind me to keep me from teetering backward or forward, I was able to get to 65#.

    WOD- 11:13
    35# KB
    75# squat cleans

    I appreciate the encouragement this morning.

  2. Never like cats much...oh did I say that out loud? So sorry though kitty it's rest day.

  3. I'm a single parent today and so the 6 am WoD wasn't happening. But I didn't want any kittens to suffer on my behalf so I went in at 9:30 ish, (give or take 20 minutes) I'll get my 40 burpees in today at some point.

    OHS 125. I got 2 reps of 135#
    WoD 8:13 95# / 44# (with the Addi Handicap)

    Wish I had done the bonus. Addi wasn't having it.

  4. 45, 50, 55, 60, 65#on the OHS
    WOD was 65# on the cleans and 35# KB in 10 minutes and change.
    No bonus but I practiced pull ups.
    So tired yesterday but completed week three of my attempt at a goal of going to cf 4x a week for a month.
