Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Monday October 10

Warm up

Power Cleans

150 Wall balls for time.

Bonus:  Remeber the Bonus is optional but we want to encourage you to do it at least 3 times a week. It only makes you stronger.
20111005-215305.jpg  Why should women lift weights? 


  1. That's a great list, my favorite is the one about holding the steering wheel with a hook grip.

    I love wall balls, and I can't justify another rest day... I've had too many already.

  2. Clark what are you doing up at 3:51 am? I knew how much you love wallballs, so I programed this for you.

  3. Wow, Karen is not a girl you want to mess with unless you are at the top of your game. This is the first time I haven't finished a wod in a long time.

    -135# power clean

    -100 wall balls in 9:02 (does it count that I beat Heleen? Sure she did all 150, but she also only used an 8 lb ball, so I think it's even)

    Good luck to the rest of the classes today. Karen is one bitter woman.

  4. Sorry, 6 AM'ers, I meant to go at 6 am went back to bed after working for a couple of hours and didn't get back up in time. That means I'll be hanging with the 8:30 class.

    Jer, I should have been there to harass you into finishing. I hope I can get my first 100 in 9 minutes. And the next 50 in the next 9 minutes.

  5. You did good Jer.

    I did 95# cleans.

    I don't remember my wall ball time - I used the 14# ball and I was slower than everyone else.

    As far as my eating's going: I'm slowly training my pancreas for Halloween - Junior Mints & Dots today.

  6. ..But no soda. Just water. So that makes it OK.

  7. That workout was so hard. I used the 14# ball and got 8:12. I hope I can walk tomorrow. I got 90# on the clean. Mondays kill me. My eating last week was terrible so I am going I do better this week.

  8. Jer, you totally beat me. I should have used the 14# ball. Don't tell Erick I used the 8# because he'll call me a sandbagger.
    I think my last set of cleans were at 85#.
    Ernie is going to be insulin-resistant by Halloween...but he'll still be kickin' my tail at 6am every day!

  9. Did 100 wall balls 8# ball 6:28
    75# power cleans increased by 10# since last time
    Did the bonus 1 min plank hold max push ups 10 (2x)
    And a 2 mile run rapier in the day. I'm ready for Tuesday!!
    Bring It!!
