Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Monday, October 31, 2011

Tuesday November 1

Warm up

Shoulder Press

7 min AMRAP
5 Pullups
10 Wallballs
Rest 2 mins
7 min AMRAP
5 Deadlifts 225/165
10 Lunges


Ericks 405# Deadlift.  
Don't forget to weigh in today.


  1. Shoulder Press: 95/115/115/115/95/95
    7 min pt 1: 8 rds
    7 min pt 2: 5+1 dl
    Kipping pull-ups sprinkled with a couple butterfly pull-ups. 20# wall ball usually to the 10' mark. 225# Dls and choo-choo style lunges. I'm pooped.

  2. Missed today. I just haven't felt well and it showed yesterday in the workout. Hoping to sleep well tonight and be there tomorrow.

  3. Shoulder press: 45, 50, 55, 55, 60, 60
    Part 1: 7 rounds. Pull-ups with the blue band. 14# ball.
    Part 2: 5 rounds plus 4 DL at 135#
    Bonus: row 500m in 2:14

    Clark forgot to say he did the bonus, too!

  4. I came, I worked out and I didn't do the bonus. I did weigh in today and I clearly need to be pushing myself more!

  5. I didn't have a speck of candy today. Not since I've had teeth have I not eaten Halloween candy on Nov 1st. Granted, last night I probably ate more than I have ever eaten on a Halloween (which is probably why I wasn't feeling up to going to the gym this morning). But that's in the past.

    I've also gone the day without any grains/breads - and I feel like I'm starving! I've stuffed myself to the brim with eggs, and spinach, and bratwurst (no bun) and vegetables. But there's nothing like a lump of bread in my gut to make me feel full. So tell me, after a few days of this, the hunger goes away, right?

  6. Ernie, snack on nuts and add some fruit. If you are eating lots if veggies you wont be as hungry. You might be a little headachy for the first week but eating good fats will help that a little. Day 1 of my 30health day challenge has been a success. Eggs for breakfast, paler soup and stirfry for lunch and salad with chicken and sesame seeds for dinner.

  7. Ernie! So awesome that you are giving the no-grain thing a try! Stick with it! CFANTS is right about the good fats. Hope you are still drinking your water.
    I was just thinking, maybe some yams with a little butter? Mashed butternut squash with coconut milk? These more starchy veggies might help you "top off" so you're not as hungry. Of course only after you've eaten lots of green stuff. Have them as a side at dinner or lunch (one meal, not both).
    And, I've been thinking about what CFANTS said about not cheating on the weekends. Such a good point. I do that a lot. I get to Saturday and think I DESERVE a treat for being good all week, which doesn't really make much sense. In that case what I am essentially telling myself is that the good stuff I've been eating all week is actually torture and what I really want is to stuff myself with junk. I'm not saying there should never be any "treats." We all celebrate with foods in some way, and who DOESN'T want to get a little ice cream with the kids? But this concept of what we "deserve" is an interesting one. What I really deserve is to treat myself well and take care of my body. If I really need to give myself a reward then maybe a new workout top or socks or something would be more appropriate. At least it would support what I am working toward, rather than detract from the goal. Beside all that, have you ever noticed that when you eat crap all weekend it takes you unitl like WEDNESDAY to feel better? I have.
