Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Monday October 17

Warm up 

15 mins to get max reps of 3 Power Snatch's.

5 rounds for time
5 deadlifts 225/155
10 Wall balls
25 situps.

Bonus  How to stay motivated.  Everyone is doing awesome with the excercise, how about the eating?  The trainers are here to help out. 


  1. Remember its bring a friend to crossfit week. They will get a week free to try it out. For each friend you bring your name will go into a drawing for a prize.

  2. I left absolutely exhausted, but it was a lot of fun.

    Snatches I hadn't done for a while so was really happy to get to do those again and to see some improvement from my last recorded snatch weights. My max 3 rep weight was #135. (Power Snatch)

    I did okay in the WOD, RX weights, and finished 9 something. Wallballs were a little weak (need to get them higher), but better than they have been.

    I'm looking forward to seeing more people at the gym this week. I've got to go find some people to bring to the gym.

  3. Snatch - 45,65,75,80

    WOD - 11:16 (115# deadlift, 20# WB)

    Bonus - 2:43

    It was a good crowd today. Everyone's encouragement was great.

  4. I'm gonna learn to love sprints.... right?

  5. Thank you everyone for helping start Monday off right.
    Run with Nancy in the dark am then off to a great WOD.
    Snatchs 30,40,60,70 which was a stretch
    WOD deadlift 115# wallballs 14#
    bonus 1:08, :58

  6. No Megan, you won't learn to love sprints. You will just learn to endure them!

    Today was awesome! A quick 8 minute work out and I was outa there. I hung out with Ernie with the dead lift and 20# wall balls, except for the last round where I had to use a 14# ball because the 20# were being used.

    Overall, it was a great workout. Maybe I should show up 30 minutes late every time.

  7. >>Maybe I should show up 30 minutes late every time.

    Oh no. If we have to be sore, than so do you. We need to get a hold of your cell phone number and organize a barrage of rings at 5:50 am. If you want your family to not wake up, you'll have to already be on the road.

  8. btw, Jer and I did 155# deadlifts (45+45+45+10+10), not 115#. My internal calculator must be solar, it wasn't working at 6:30 this morning.

  9. You guys make me laugh. Great classes today. We had 7 people in both am classes, and one new client ( welcome Val). Everyone was really getting the snatch movement quickly. Everyone has come so far. Keep up the good work. Pm crew see ya tonight.
