Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wednesday October 5

 A.  Warm up- Max reps of Pullups, 400 meter run x2

 B.   WOD
       15 Min Amrap
        10 Boxjumps
        10 Toes to bar
        10 Wall balls.
C.  Deadlifts 5x1

Bonus.  Find out more about the benefits of taking Fish oil here.


  1. I really dug today's format. It was hard, and I was spent by the 3rd dead lift, but it will be awesome to have more strength built into the work outs!

    Are we still posting our results here? I really like to see how everyone else did.

    My results are: 6 rounds with the 20# ball and 20" box jumps.

    Not as cool as Clark, but close... very very close.

  2. If I could only be as cool as Clark! I finished 5 rounds plus 4 knees to elbows, which were ugly. Used the 14 # ball and 20" box. Already sore. 155# deadlift which is my heaviest yet so I'm pretty happy with that.
    See you bright and early...or just early. I don't want to have to do Clark's burpee punishment.

  3. I really like the new format too. I did 7 rounds plus 10 knees to elbows. I did the 14# wallball and the 16 in box. I did 175# deadlift.

  4. I want to chime in on Clark's burpee punishment. I don't like it. There I said it!

  5. I lied. Only used the 16" box. There I go cheating again!
