Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Monday October 24

Warm up

10 mins to get max weight of Front Squats 1 rep.

4 rounds
5 Thrusters
7 Hang Power Cleans
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls.

Thanks to those who brought friends this week, we are extending the drawing one more week so bring in those friends.  They will recieve a week free. 
Remember we have our monthly weigh in coming in November so try to stay on track this week.


  1. Front squats: 155
    WOD: 8:07 (65#)
    (+ bonus)
    Thanks everyone for the good times.

  2. I love when the 6am class is packed. It's like a party everytime.

    I wasn't feeling very strong and it showed.

    Front Squat: 155#
    WOD: 10:40(ish) 95#

    I really didn't want to 95#, but I let Heleen, Clark and Camie bully me into it.

    The lesson from today. Your "friends" who bully you into doing more weight, aren't really your friends.

    Just kidding. Thanks for the killer work everyone.

  3. Front Squat: 125#
    WOD: 6:22 with 45#. I don't think my "friends" will let me get away with a 45# work out next time. And I couldn't do a single kipping pull up today. BOOOOO!!!!

    On to nutrition...
    How is everyone feeling today? Crappy after a weekend of cheesy nachos and premature Halloween candy sampling? Don't be too hard on yourself. Nobody eats perfectly all the time, and who would want to? I certainly can't go the rest of my life without dessert. Just note how you feel today and how it affects your work out. Maybe you have one meal a week where you totally "blow it." Maybe you have a treat on the weekend. Just remember it's not a treat if it's every day!

    We are on our last week of the water-drinking challenge! Drinking water is way better than Crystal Pepsi. Remember Crystal Pepsi? Ew. Here's a link to the add that will take you back (note how they try to make you think it's going to be a healthy option)...

    Try really hard this week to drink your water so you've got it down before we move on to next month's objective...muah ah ah ah ah!

    ps--If Crystal Pepsi wasn't enough for you...

  4. So, the water challenge wasn't too bad. I've never been too big on soda, anyway. If your still thinking of nutrition challenges for next month, may I recommend one of these other baby steps:

    1) Don't double dip your cheeseburger in the Crisco bucket. A single dip is plenty.
    2) Use turkey bacon to wrap your snickers bars in, instead of regular bacon. (No, I haven't tried it, but my mouth is watering, thinking about it).
    3) No more than 3-4 platefuls at Thanksgiving. And absolutely no pecan pie (Pecan pie is an absolute abomination).
    4) Eat a fruit or vegetable every day (peas, skittles, apples, or whatever works for you).
    5) Eat breakfast every day. (ok - that one's legit. Supposedly, it's a strict rule for sumo wrestlers not to eat before lunch. Skipping breakfast slows down their metabolism).

  5. Thanks great Ernie, I will take those into serious consideration. Once again great classes today.

  6. Joy, where are you? Are you still grounded? I need my competitor back? Haha hope to see you tomorrow

  7. I did it, I survived the day without succumbing to any of those temptations.

    Water: I had another 30 to 40oz of water since my previous post.
    Snack: 1 babel cheese, 10 cashews, 10 grapes
    Dinner: bowl of salad with ham and 1 hb egg.
    2nd Dinner: Smoothie like the one in my previous post, also 24 oz.

    I'm happy with the day and what I ate.
