Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Friday March 16

Warm up

Front Squat

12 Min AMRAP
As many Rounds or Reps of
150 Wall Balls
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle ups



  1. I got my 240 reps so im a happy girl. 1 more to go, then I can relax a little. Good luck everyone.

  2. I got my 240 reps so im a happy girl. 1 more to go, then I can relax a little. Good luck everyone.

  3. I did the 150 wall balls at the 8 ft line & 270 singles. 165 front squat. Gotta get back on my morning routine next week!

  4. Good job, Camie and Megan. I barely got through 2/3 of the wallballs (20lb-10ft) in the 12 minutes (107 was my final score).

    The one thing these game WODs have taught me is that I'm not doing myself any favors when I scale my regular workouts. I'm going to have to cut back on the sandbagging from now on.

  5. I used the 14# ball and did 9 ft. I can't believe what a difference a foot makes. My arms were killing me. I got 150 wall balls and 90 double unders. Next year I will have to do the games officially forsure. It has been fun in sort of a painful way. Haha.

  6. Is anyone else feeling there legs. Ouch!!!!
