Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Friday January 20

Warm up

Push Press

Floor Wipers
Mountain Climbers

Skill-Hand Stand Practice

We are 20 days into our fitness challenge.  Lets make these last 10 days really count!!!
Crossfit games are coming.  For more info check out this website


  1. The 6 AMers were amazing today. Brad had the best time on the WoD, Yvonne and Heleen were fast with the pain storm, and Ernie... I'll let him tell you, regardless, CONGRATS Ernie!!

    s. fruit leather and nuts
    b. Smoothie

    WoD: 5:59 Push Press: 115, 125, 135, 145, 155(1x,faild,1x,failed)
    48 pull-ups

    Yesterday food:
    D. casserole and cheese bread, some candy
    s. graham crackers, peanut butter, milk

    L. quesedilla
    s. pop tart (but it was organic)
    D. can't remember at the moment.

  2. I DID A MUSCLE-UP TODAY! My life is now complete.

    Push Press: 95-115-120-115-95
    WOD 7:02
    26 pullups
    By the way, I finally was able to do a muscle up. That was my crossfit goal for 2012. I guess that means I can take it easy the rest of the year. (Just kidding - now I got to make sure it wasn't a fluke, and that I can do it again - And then work on doing more than one.)

    Dinner last night:
    Chicken tacos

  3. Did I mention that I did a muscle up this morning?

  4. Ernie, you are AMAZING!!!!!!! Sad I didn't get to see it live and in person but I'm sure there will be plenty more to come for me to be inspired by.

    It was also a big day for me... I did my first double under EVER. Not as cool as a muscle up but still pretty cool for me. Its so fun to get to celebrate progress with everyone! I have a Crush on Crossfit!

    Push Press: 65-85-95-105-115 (only did one at 115)
    WOD: 7:40 ish?

  5. Congrats to Ernie on your muscle up! I am so glad I was there to witness it!
    Congrats Megan on your double under and your deadlift yesterday!
    Today Heleen was nice enough to do pain storm with me. Seriously 200 meters of lunges was awesome! I have never done something that took me so long and hurt so bad! Stairs will not be my friend this weekend!
    I appreciate the community and encouragement I get from CF! It makes me stronger!

  6. I'm sad I missed the workout this morning. I have a head cold, can't breathe, sore throat and coughing. Figured it would be better to sleep and rest and get over it then kill myself (also didnt want to pass it on to anyone). I will see you all on Monday!! Have a great weekend!

  7. Nancy, Joy, and I did the PAINSTORM together today!!! Woot! Woot! We soooo rock! :)thanks galpals for keeping me going even though I was seeing stars after :) To be honest, the painstorm looked easier than the wod today. So way to go to all those who did it today :) I think we finished at 28 something. Not the fastest, but we DID it!!!

  8. Nice Job Ernie! That is a huge accomplishment!
    I got 105# on push press.
    Wod time 8:33.
    I love all you crossfit people!

  9. Ernie, you rock! May I suggest the Crossfit games and increased intensity as your goal for 2012?

    5 muscle ups in a row would be a cool trick as well!

    Great job everyone! I have enjoyed reading your posts while out here playing Navy. You are all inspiring and keep me motivated to heal faster!!!

    Be back soon...

    1. That sounds like some good ideas. Have a good time out there.

  10. Saturday class is at 9. Come check it out. Good work everyone on the pain storm. Todays WOD was hard, who's programing these workouts?

  11. Did pain storm today. It's done. I was feeling not so hot today but the ladies kept me going. :) Friends are GREAT!!
    Food Friday:
    Stir fry veggies w/ pork
    Beef jerky and pistachios
    Celery and peanut butter
    Cheese and rotisserie chicken

  12. Glad I was able to witness Ernie's muscle up today. Fantastic!
    Thanks to Yvonne for making me do PAIN STORM. I am already sore!
    I haven't been posting food because I have been sooo busy. Also because when I am super stressed I lose my appetite so I've been living on smoothies, muscle milk, fruit, and I can't even remember what else. You would think this would help with weight loss but it doesn't. The food choices are okay but not really in the right combination. My body just goes into survival mode and the metabolism slows way down. Then I don't feel well and don't work out. This is the vicious cycle I've been caught up in this week. So there you go even the nutrition person has bad weeks! Excuses, but onward I go and things will get better!
    Yesterday's food diary:
    B: Nut cereal (made from pecans and almonds with coconut milk and blueberries)
    L: Can't remember
    D: Salmon over mixed green salad

    Today's food diary:
    B: Protein and fruit smoothie with spinach
    L: apple and cashews
    D: eggs and bacon with brussells sprouts
    Definitely not enough water but not drinking soda, either. I'm about to sit down to a large cup of homemade hot chocolate. Coconut milk, unsweetened cocoa, vanilla, and a dash of cream.

    Everyone was so impressive the last few days. Thanks for the inspiration.
    Megan--I will get you that recipe you requested.
    Ernie-Did anyone ever answer your question about creatine and protein?

    1. A couple of people answered with their particular reasons for taking protein. I'd like to learn more, though.
