Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Monday January 30

Warm up


15 Min AMRAP
20 Box jumps
15 Clapping Push ups
10 Back Squats 135/95

Weigh in and measurements will be Tuesday.  Deadlift video, check it out.


  1. Sat food:
    B: two eggs over mixed greens
    L: salad with turkey
    snack: chocolate covered almonds
    D: None--didn't feel well so I just went to bed

    Sun food:
    B: Greek yogurt with berries
    S: Almond butter, banana, coconut, unsweetened cocoa smoothie
    L: Muscle milk
    S: sugar snap peas, almonds
    D: Grilled vegetable souffle

  2. Sunday Food:
    L- mixed nuts
    D-celery/peanut butter, snapped peas, banana

  3. Great workout today. Thanks everyone! I drank 16oz of water mixed with a ZipFizz before the workout and I think it helped with a little energy boost.
    Deadlift: 135, 155, 175, 185--Thanks for the video, Erick. Very helpful!
    WOD: 5 rounds and I'm happy I did push ups on my toes and the 95#. I'd get to about 8 reps before my knees started to turn in on the back squat. Jumping on the 16" box. A few steps on the 20" box until Erick caught me.
    BONUS: Double unders require so much practice!

    Megan--Here is the recipe for pecan sauce:
    1 cup pecans (or walnuts)
    1 shallot, finely chopped. Shallots are milder and smaller than onions, but I didn't have one so I just used a part of a yellow onion.
    2 tablespoons butter
    1 and 1/2 cups coconut milk. I used the kind that comes in a brick package instead of canned because the canned is so thick. I buy the brick coconut milk at Good Earth because they have an unsweetened version. The grocery store usually only carries sweetened.

    Saute nuts and shallots in butter until nuts are lightly toasted (about 2-3 minutes). Be careful nuts burn quickly.
    Add 1 cup of coconut milk and simmer for a few minutes. Pour into blender and puree until smooth. Add salt to taste (pinch). If the sauce is too thick you can thin it out with more milk.
    This sauce was really great with everything.
    If you make it let me know what you think.

  4. Sun:
    B - Cake (Saturday was my B-day - we didn't have the cake till Sunday)
    L - Quesadilla
    D - Tacos
    This morning I ate cold cereal and a protein shake, and I brought hard boiled eggs for lunch.

    Today WOD ; 4 rounds + 20 box jumps (20")+15 clapping pushups.
    Thanks for pushing me to try harder (Sorry about my grumbling at the time).

  5. Wow, this workout was much more cardio intense then I had anticipated. I jumped the 16" box, did the clapping push ups on my knees and did 65# back squat. I did 5 rounds plus 20 box jumps.

  6. Monday Food:
    B- protein shake
    S- cheese stick
    L- stir fry veggies sausage
    S- beef jerky
    D-salad greens, cabbage, boiled eggs, cheese, spinach, avocado
