Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Monday January 23

Warm Up

Push Jerks

150 Wall balls for time.


Pain Storm
Row a 5k.

Weigh in's and measuring today.


  1. After a restful weekend I am feeling better and ready to bring on some Crossfit this week.

    Sat food:
    B:Muscle Milk
    L: Bacon and brussells sprouts
    S: Apple and vegetable soufle
    D: Spicy chicken sausage with sweet potato fries

    Sun food:
    B: Muscle milk
    L: Chicken sausage and sweet potato fries
    D: Turkey

  2. This weekends Food Log:

    B - Granola
    L - Fig newtons
    D - Salad + Macaroni&Cheese

    B- Cheerios
    L -Veg/Chicken Soup
    D- Biscuits & Gravy

    B - Biscuits and eggs
    D - Steak & Salad & Blueberry muffins
    Late night snack of yogurt and bread.

  3. My legs are just recovering from Pain Storm, bring on Karen!

  4. Great Job on everything. Just got back from the Crossfit Level 1 Cert this weekend. It was great, learned alot of new ideas and concepts. Keep up the good work. The hardest thing for me is the diet...remember we you are only in the gym 1 hour a day, at best, make the other 23 count. I heard this from this weekend. "you cant out run a bad diet".

  5. pain storm : 22:58
    Jerk: 75,95,105,115,125

    Good job getting your cert, Dave.

    1. I'm in a 4 hr meeting with several boxes of donuts right behind me. I'm going to try to ignore the siren scent of the maple bars.

    2. Per our discussion earlier today..maybe just read the last sentence of this abstract (unless the rest of it is really interesting to you). This is an older study, but it showed strength training athletes performed better on a medium-protein-intake diet (1.4g of protein per kilo of bodyweight per day)

      I'll find more references for you on timing, but studies have shown optimal protein intake to be within 30 to 60 minutes after exercise.

  6. Dave, congrats on the cert! Looking forward to have Dave training with us at Crossfit ANTS!
    I am stuck in San Diego it appears....looking forward to working out again with you all someday...

  7. Congrats Dave that is awesome! You will be a great trainer!

    Karen time was 6:33
    Push jerk 105# I only got to 3 reps due to my baby. I was hoping to try for a new PR but I guess I will just aim for it next time. Nice work today everybody!

  8. WOD - 7:40 added over a minute since last time, but changed to the 14# ball, so it all equals out in my mind
    Push Jerk PR @ 115
    Monday Food:
    B- protein shake
    L- pistachios,cheese stick,beef Jerky
    D- spinach, cabbage, cauliflower with sausage

  9. Great workout this morning. I guess I'm the slowest at Karen at 11 something minutes with the 14# ball.
    B: Protein smoothie with fruit and spinach
    L: mixed green salad with turkey
    S: apple with almonds, chicken sausage
    D: Cauliflower crust pizza
