Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Monday January 9

Warm up

Dead lifts

Sumo dead lift high pulls 95/65
Knees to elbows


Today is weigh in and measuring. Keep bringing in food journals, this challenge is getting competitive. I need $ from a few of you for the challenge.

Pain storm begins, you will have all week to do the pain storm. Will you do it?
1000 meter row
30 kettle bells swings
25 toes to bar
750 meter row
25 kb swings
20 T2B
500 m row
20 kb swings
15 t2b
250 m row.


  1. Sunday food (since it's still Sunday right now)
    B: Two hamburger patties and fried egg
    L: Pork fried rice (not really rice, shredded cauliflower instead)
    S: Chips and queso, soda, some candy

    B: Hamburger patty, celery with almond butter
    L: Late lunch. Same as Brad
    S: Football game food. A FEW just a FEW chips! And a LITTLE candy. BAD!! But we were celebrating a Bronco miracle!!

  2. Deadlift: 165 - 215 -235 (PR)
    WOD: (95# Sumo) - 10:04
    Bonus: 75

    Sunday: Chili dogs + Cookie
    Monday breakfast: Pancakes
    Lunch: banana, crackers, bread

    In continuing my adventures with mystery vegetables, I bought a small bag of parsnips. If anyone knows any good parsnip recipes, do share. It looks like a brown carrot, so maybe you just eat it like a carrot?

  3. Pain Storm...Bring IT!

    I'm finding I need more time to stretch and roll-out. My warm-up was somewhat weak because I spent more time on stretching and rolling out.

    Deadlifts: 225, 275, 315(1) 295(2), 295

    WoD: 11:17 (115#, T2B, GHDs) - SDHP were hardest for me. But Toes to Bar also slowed down.

    Bonus, 1 min of rest after the WoD 81 push-ups.

    b. smoothie, water
    s. Broccli, walnuts, Turkey, water

  4. Today has been amazing here at ants, everyone had amazing numbers. The most ibs lost this week so far is 6 lbs. can anyone beat that in our evening class? It is so fun seeing so many succeed. Keep up the good work!

  5. Great workout this morning!
    I finished in 9:15 and got up to 185x4 on the deadlift. Bonus was 92 push ups on my knees.

    Ernie! I love parsnips. Most people don't eat them raw. Roasted or in stews or soups is the best. Watch out! They have a super-high glycemic index (higher than potatoes) so not to be eaten regularly. I use them in a stew that I only make a few times a year along with sweet potatoes and turnips. In the winter they are great roasted in the oven with other root vegetables (toss with some olive oil, salt, pepper, rosemary, bake at about 400 until fork-tender). But again, I wouldn't use them on a regular basis. YAY for trying new vegetables! You made my day!

    I read a comment today from a local triathlon coach about goal setting that I think is very applicable to nutrition habits. If you want to form a new habit (say, to drink more water) rate that new habit on a do-ability scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is "not likely to do every day" and 10 is "likely to do every day." If you score any new habit less than 9, scale it down until it scores a 9 or 10. So, if you decide that drinking 1 liter of water per day scores 5, then adjust your goal to 1/2 liter of water which scores a 9. Okay, this is a very rudimentary example. But just as we scale workouts in Crossfit, we can scale our goals to facilitate success. This shouldn't be done in a sandbagging kind of way; however, if your response to giving up sugar is, "No way! I could never do that!" then maybe you could consider giving up half of the sugar you consume. Once that is mastered, try giving up the rest of it. I know this rating exercise seems simple, but this time of year we all set goals and want new habits. Maybe we take on too much, maybe not enough, and using such an evaluation can help us decide what is reasonable.

    I hope this isn't a bad time to post this suggestion because so many of us are committed to doing our best with diet and exercise for the January challenge. I bet at the end of the month we will find ourselves feeling better and proud we worked hard. Then it will be time to KEEP GOING so I offer this as a strategy for anyone struggling with something specific or wondering what to do next.

  6. I only did 175# on my dead lift because I had to hold my baby who was crying. I got 7:02 on the Wod doing 65# on the sumo dead lifts.

    Food today
    B: protein shake with strawberries
    Snack: cashews
    Lunch: Asian salad
    Snack: trail mix, hard boiled egg
    Dinner: taco salad
    Snack: almond butter

    I didn't eat great this weekend so it felt good to get back on track today. Good job everyone one losing weight and inches today. It is so great to bevworking on our goals together.

  7. food today: 2 eggs w/ a little chz, 2 corn tortillas
    1/2 club sandwich w/ mustard
    dinner was the other 1/2 of the club.

    Bet I beat the 6 lb loss from the morning class. See you in 90 minutes!!!

  8. Food Monday:
    B-Protein Shake
    Snack- Beef Jerky,Cheese stick
    L-Costa Vida Salad with no carbs
    Dinner-Pork and stir fry veggies,cheese stick

  9. Way to go Heleen for coming in and doing Pain Storm tonight. We forgot to set a clock so we don't have a time. But she rocked it. Who's next?

  10. PAIN STORM! That was fun! Glad I tried it. I didn't think I could do toes to bar, now I know I should be attempting that move more often. Not sure of my time because I forgot to set a clock.

    B: Leftover pork fried cauliflower rice (no rice, just the shredded cauliflower)
    S: apple and almonds
    L: salmon and green beans
    D: butternut squash soup, mixed green salad with homemade vinaigrette, small piece of pork.
    Water--not so great this morning but I think I caught up this afternoon
    S: Small protein shake before bed

    B: Protein shake with fruit
    S: pistachios
    L: apple, cheese stick, cucumbers, carrots, pork fried cauliflower, 12 oz diet soda
    D: same as Heleen
    Water-about half as much as recommended

  11. Snack after dinner: beef jerky, cheese stck, almonds
