Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Monday, January 16, 2012

Tuesday January 17

Warm up

30 clean and jerks for time 135/95#

Rest 3 mins

5 min Amrap
Double Unders.


Aren't these future crossfitters cute!!!


  1. Box-Jump Boxes do make good forts, don't they.

    Good workout 6 AM-ers.

    Regarding Double Unders, there are lots of great videos out there, some at Watch them. Camie mentioned that there is a WoD coming up using double unders. Don't be satisfied staying with singles, keep practicing your double unders.

    L. Salad with HB egg, cheese, cheese quesedilla, water
    D. Movie popcorn and reeses pieces - oops, Talapia filet
    s. more popcorn and water,

    s. fruit leather and nuts
    B. Smoothie

    WoD: 4:58, 126 double unders. 56 s, 1min, 52 s

    My last Grace time, recorded was over 8 min, so I'm considering today a PR.

  2. Great Job for the Night Crew last night.
    Had a couple of Crossfitters take on the Pain Storm.

    Its been a rough 3 weeks for me after my surgery.

    I'm working on gettin back at.

    I'm excited for Grace.

    See ya tonight.

  3. Yesterday's food:
    Chicken Dumpling+Vegetable soup
    Snack: Ovaltine + Bread

    This morning: Oatmeal & a sausage/egg burrito

  4. I did 75# for grace today, and my time was 4:20. I did 139 double unders. My eating has not been great lately but I am trying to get back on track.

  5. Tuesday Food:
    B- stir fry veggies, pulled pork roast
    L- mixed nuts, dried coconut, beef jerky
    D- spinach, romain salad,w/ shaped peas, carrots, cheese, grilled chicken and avocado
    S- cheese stick
