Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thursday January 26

Warm up

Over Head Squats

With a continuous running clock do 1 thruster the 1st min, 2 the second min and so on.


Friday there is a 6 am class only, and Saturday we are closed.
Tuesday is the last day of the fitness challenge,  stay strong through the weekend.  It is a close running so what you do from here on out can make a big difference.  You are all doing so well.


  1. Wed food
    B: protein smoothie with spinach
    L: vegetable souffle, almonds, 1oz 75% dark chocolate
    S: Banana, greek yogurt with frozen blueberries
    D: muscle milk, 1 slice gf toast plain
    I'm trying to keep carb intake between 50-100 grams to get leaner. Not today, but overall I'm getting there.

  2. Wed food:
    B: eggs and red potatoes
    L1:chicken salad
    L2:lean beef stir fry
    D: Protein shake
    S: apple

    overhead: 75-75-85-85-95-95-105-105 PR:)
    WOD: 11 rounds, 65 lbs

  3. Another PR! Yay Megan!
    I should have checked my last OHS because I'm not sure if I reached a pr today.
    OHS: 45, 65, 70, 75, 80
    Thrusters: 6 reps with 65#
    Bonus row: 1500m in 7:13

    Thurs food:
    B: 2 gf muffins. I made these for my kids and had no intention of eating any! Curse you baked goods!
    S: Banana, cashews
    L: Chicken salad with celery and dried cranberries over mixed greens
    D: Turkey tacos (in lettuce) with green chili sauce and peppers
    In awhile I will probably have a small protein smoothie

  4. Row 7:20
    OHS- did 55# but went to 35# and worked on form
    WOD - 10 @65#
    Thursday Food:
    L-cabbage,sausage, cauliflower, spinach
    D-lettuce greens,grilled chicken,avocado, ginger dressing, cabbage
