Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Friday January 6

Warm up

Squat Clean and Jerks
2 reps every minute for 10 mins

5 Rounds for time
5 Deadlifts  200/165
10 Ball Toss Sit ups
15 Goblet Squats



  1. That is a funny picture. I like Brad's expression.

    Found this flow chart I thought you would all enjoy...

  2. Back squat 3x3x3: 135, 185, 205

    WOD: I did the benchmark 1 minute of all the stuff... don't remember my #'s

    yesterday food
    b:protein shake with cucumber, fruit
    s:almond butter
    l:taco soup with avacado
    s: almonds with crasins, slice of swiss cheese
    d: lettuce wraps $ crispy green beans (PF Changes)

  3. Squat-Clean/Jerk 75# (plain old jerk, not the OHS jerk)

    WOD (165# deadlift, 14# ball, 26# goblet) - 10:35

    This morning I had malt-o-meal for breakfast. For lunch I've brought 3 PB+J sandwiches, some stuffing and some dried cranberries. I also brought a large can of V8. I think the cranberries and the V8 are paleo. A little paleo every day (er, most days that is).

    I just looked at last year's Crossfit games workouts. Oi! If this year's workouts are similar, I'm going to need to start lifting a whole lot more than I can now. That 165# squat clean/Jerk is sounding mighty heavy.

  4. Thanks 9:30 am class for being patient with me. There were a lot of you, it was great fun. Tomorrow the teen class is moved to 8:15 due to basketball schedule. Saturday wod times will varie for the next few weeks. Good work today everyone. There will be an 8:30 pm class.

  5. Food for the day: salad with eggs, ham and cheese, club sandwich and 1/2 lasagne from last night. Gonna win. I just have to. I have 40 pounds to lose!!!

  6. Friday
    B-Carrotts, then scrambled eggs. Water
    L- Chicken, lettuce tomato.
    D- Chicken taco
    S- cheese stick
    The squat clean and jerks were killer. But after that is was a pretty good work out.
    my time was 11:something

  7. Heleen:
    B: 2 eggs and 3 bacon slices over mixed greens. Wasn't really hungry so I saved some for lunch
    S: clementine
    L: remains of breakfast salad
    D: Beef salad from Costa Vida. This was a mistake. The meat was too sweet. I didn't even think about the sugar content until I took a bite. I didn't eat the tortilla or beans and ordered it with no cheese.
    Water, water, water.

    I did not eat enough today, but it was weird because I wasn't really hungry. Until Brad and I went on a trail run and I was dying. Then I literally almost died because two bozos were firing handguns ACROSS the trail!

    Brad's food:
    B: Two eggs, 5 slices bacon, 6oz milk
    S: apple
    S: sweet potato with butter
    S: 1/2 chicken breast, 2 cheese sticks, 1 1/2 cups grapes
    D: Steak salad from Costa Vida with guac, salsa, dressing, and no tortilla, no cheese. He waited all day to have diet soda at dinner and didn't refill it. Progress!

  8. Friday food journal
    Lots of water I was very dehydrated from Thursday
    B- Protein shake
    snack- apricots
    L-cheese stick,pumpkins seeds, beef jerky
    D-chicken soup,cottage cheese,almonds
    Snack- celery, carrots,cucumbers
