Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Monday December 20

Warm up

Overhead Squats

20 Pullups
30 Kettlebell swing
40 Double Unders



  1. Remember we no longer have 6:30 pm classes.

  2. Remember after our workout today when I was talking about my hands and said, "I didn't really feel it." ?? Well, the adrenaline wore off and now I have to type this with my nose. Ouchie.

    back squats: 45, 65, 75
    wod: 28:46 or 29:46. 26 lb kb, mostly double unders and mostly kipping pull ups.

  3. OHS: ~60#

    WOD - 21:12 (26# KB - Mixed single and double unders) - The double unders are getting better - I'm not tripping after every one.

    (Pretty sneaky to not post the number of rounds in the WOD)

  4. Meant to say OHS not back squats.

  5. Disregard my WOD time. I think I counted my double unders wrong. I need to go home tonight and do more jump roping to make up for the cheating I did.

  6. Good work 6 am class. Pull-ups were hard after last Thursday's pull-ups.

    My OHS were nothing special 75, 95, 105

    WOD, 21:00, I'm quite confident that I counted accurately this time and truly did the right number of rounds. 44 # KB swings. My double unders were okay, I didn't do any rounds without stopping, but one of the rounds I did 10 and then 30, I was pretty happy with that.

  7. My wod.time was 24 something. I did 70pull ups and then my hand started to tear so I went to jumping pull ups for the last 30. I dogs 26# kb and double unders. I got a late start so I didn't do the overhead squats. This was a killer wod.

  8. Sorry about your hands Haleen. I have been there and it is no fun.
