Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Friday, December 9, 2011

Saturday December 10


5 Rounds for time

15 Dips
15 Boxjumps
15 Lunges.

Row 500 meters of Run 400.

Created by Joy and Camie!!!!  The picture doesn't do it justice.  We have a kettlebell, 2 medicine balls, a boxjump, pullup bars, Rings and a climbing rope.  Best Crossfit gym ever.


  1. After playing truant all week, I came in and did yesterday's Angie workout. It was good to get back. Thanks, to everyone there today, for the encouragement.

  2. Fun workout. Did it at home with my brothers!

    Brayden: 6:39
    Tyson (17 year old varsity swimmer . . . ): 5:13 (HE BEAT ME!! :P)
    Evan (13 year old) 6:50

    Not too bad! See you all Monday!
