Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Monday November 21

Warm up

Push Press

3 rounds for time

50 situps
40 Jumping Pullups
30 Squats


Remember this week.  We will be open M-W, Wednesday night 8:30 pm -Saturday we will be closed due to Thanksgiving.  We will still post workouts that can be done at home for anyone interested.
Also please note the changes to schedule.


  1. Push Press: 75-85-115-105

    WOD: 10:26

    Thanks for the fun.

  2. PP: 65-75-85-105

    WOD: 11:21

    Eating yummy, healthy paleo today!

  3. push press: 65, 75, 85, 75.
    WOD: 16:30 with 50 GHDs and 30# push press instead of jumping pull-ups. I wanted to do 75 GHDs. I'm going to do 25 in warm up tomorrow to make up for it.

    Megan! That 105# push press is impressive!! Nice job! You guys all put me to shame today. I thought I was working the whole time but it took me soooo long!

    Jer! I heard you this morning encouraging Brayden to beat me. OH NO YOU DI-INT!! Tomorrow, 6am, better bring it boys cause I won't lose two days in a row!

    Now for a Nutrition rant...
    Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love pie. I love football. I love family. I love sitting around all day being thankful for our full bellies and blessings. I don't begrudge anyone for wanting to eat traditional Thanksgiving foods. Most will say, "It's only one meal a year, go ahead and eat what you want." But think about it for a minute. It's only ONE meal, do you really want to blow everything you've worked so hard for on ONE meal? Eat turkey, green vegetables, and yams. Unless, of course, any of these things are in the form of a casserole or accompanied by marshmallows! Skip the white potatoes, rolls, and stuffing. Not such a difficult strategy, right?!

    Mark Sisson of Primal Blueprint discusses "gateway foods" in this article.

    These are foods that once eaten, lead us to carb benders in dark alleys or the dreaded attempt at dessert detox. This is especially dangerous during the holidays since the temptations are constant. Are rolls your marajuana? You don't want to find yourself with shaky hands and sweaty brow raiding your neighbor's pantry desperately searching for another fix. Identify your gateway foods and just say no!

    After the Thanksgiving day meal, give away the leftovers. If you are eating at someone else's house, don't bring home any leftovers. Except the healthy stuff, of course! Take a good green salad to Aunt Edna's to share, or brussels sprouts, or asparagus, or whatever vegetable you like. Drink lots of water. Don't eat a third helping. This is not your last meal before being dropped into the Pacific Ocean without provisions, so be reasonable.

    I haven't mentioned pie. On purpose. Let's be real; We are all going to eat pie. Enjoy every..single..bite of your favorite slice (notice the singular noun) and then move on.

    Anyone have Paleo recipes for Thanksgiving? Please share!

    Mashed yams recipe:
    Bake yams in jackets at 425 until tender,about 1 hour. Remove jackets and mash the yams (for this part I use a stand mixer with paddle attachment) with coconut milk and butter. The last time I made this I think I used 5 or 6 yams, a can of coconut milk, and a few tablespoons of butter.

  4. Loved the WOD! Time 13 something. Happy that I did my personal best at push press. Got 110 up 3G and 115 2x

  5. Joy, great job today. Your getting so strong.
