Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Monday, November 28, 2011

Tuesday November 29

Warm up


Wall ball sit ups
HangPower Cleans 115/85

Bonus Check out our Mobility Wod for tomorrow.
Great picture of Jamie doing turkish getups.  She is leaving back to Alaska on Monday, we will miss her.


  1. Big shout out to my homeboys at 6am for keeping me going this morning, and for not letting me drop weight. I knew that WOD was going to be hard for me. The ball sit ups weren't too bad but those cleans were a killer.

    Deadlift: 115, 135, 155
    WOD: 20:20 with 65# clean and 14# ball.

    With all this mobility talk you'll be glad to know I attacked my foam roller when I got home. Going to do some tennis ball "business" (as the guy in the vid calls it) later.

  2. Well it's the end of November and now you might think you are off the hook on the no-grain challenge. You might be "off the hook" in how well you did, but not "off the hook" in terms of eating grains again. WHAT!!??!! This wasn't only a one-month deal? Nope. It's part of our permanent CROSSFIT LIFESTYLE ADJUSTMENT. YAY!
    So, how did you do? Be honest with yourself. If the answer is, "not so great," then you have some changes to make. No biggie, just try again in December. These are changes for the long term, so don't be upset about one month. Identify why it didn't go well and what you can do to make better choices. Then move on and make those choices with no excuses.
    If you did well, then keep up the good work and do even better!
    I think we should extend this challenge another month. This time around let's really concentrate on what we ARE going to eat instead of what we AREN'T. Okay, we still AREN'T going to eat junk food or grains. But we ARE going to eat good, healthy stuff that supports our workouts. What is that stuff going to be in December? VEGETABLES!! There are other things to eat too, like meat and fat from the best sources, but I think we need to focus on vegetable superfoods.

    Did you know the term "superfood" is not just a generic word for broccoli? True. Superfoods are those foods which contain high amounts of phytochemicals, trace minerals, micronutrients, and even (depending on who you ask) macronutrients. As you might guess this could be a long list! Many nutritionists and researchers have developed their own list of superfoods and some include grass-fed beef and dark chocolate. Dark chocolate!! Sign me up! FYI--There is a rationale for the dark chocolate which stems from the qualities of the cacao bean. Unfortunately most of these qualities are lost in processing, so put down the chocolate bar.

    Here are five VEGETABLE superfoods for you to eat right now!
    Broccoli. I know that YOU know it's good for you. Fight cancer by eating broccoli!

    Brussels sprouts. Yep, here I go with the brussels sprouts again! Vitamin A, Calcium, and Vitamin C. If that weren't enough, they have a very high protein content for a tiny little cabbage...25%. WOOT!

    Spinach, swiss chard, kale = Duh! Leafy greens rock!

    Colorful bell peppers = Antioxidants!

    Yams. You can call them sweet potatoes, too. Orange sweet potatoes. Real yams from Africa are not generally consumed in the U.S., so we use the terms yams and sweet potatoes interchangeably. Eat the orange ones for a starchy vegetable with a ton of Vitamin A, B6, and Potassium.

    Are there others? I'm sure there are! If you think a vegetable you love is actually a superfood vegetable, look it up here

    and let us know why!

  3. Whew. I guess I need to eat more spinach. I was not feeling the strength today.

    Deadlift: 135-135-185
    WOD: 14:13 (14# WB, 75# clean)

    I need to unlearn some bad habits. I bend my elbows too early during the clean. Maybe I should practice a bzillion dip-jump-shrugs with my arms locked straight down to get that first part down right. (I caught myself trying to bend my elbow in the deadlift too).

  4. Form question:

    When you do your initial dip in the hang clean, is the weight on the balls or the heels of your feet? (i.e. do you bend deep at the ankles and let your rear stay over your heels, or do your calves stay mostly vertical and you push your backside out behind you?)

  5. That is a great question ernie. I know someone here will be able to answer it for you, but it won't be me. my form was all over the place on the HPC's.

    Cami- I tried every trick in the book, but no one will be able to come with me to the Basic Movements class. I think I have one for next week.

  6. Thanks Jer its all good. Remind me Ernie to work with you tomorrow on the Hang power clean. Welcome to Brayden, Roger and J.t. Its great to have you working out with us. Keep bringing those friends. We miss you Yvonne and hope you are returning soon.
