Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Friday, September 2, 2011

Saturday September 3,

Warm up
Skill: OH Squats

10 min Amrap  ( As many rounds as possible)

5 Push ups
10 Sit ups
15 Squats.

This work out can be scaled to 5 mins.

Everyone who can't make it on Saturday, make sure you post your results.
Thanks to everyone who came out and supported us tonight.  We are looking forward to starting up and we couldn't do it without you.  
Remember to read  "What is Fitness".  Go to this link  and get free download.


  1. 3, almost 4 rounds. The push ups were particularly pathetic. My kids mocked and proceeded to show me up big time. I will bide my time though.....:)

  2. 3 rounds in 6 minutes. And I feel really good about that. Let the games begin.

  3. 12 Rounds + 9 (5 push-ups, 4 sit-ups). Nice work all. Sammy did 11rds + 15 reps Wish I'd waited a little longer after eating -- feeling a little unsettled in my stomach.

    Great work Nancy and Ben. This is the community aspect that is so fun. Sharing where we are at and encouraging each other to do better.

    And the best advice we can give each other is..."Just Show UP!"

  4. Being the over enthusiastic over achiever I am when it comes to exercise. I decided that I was going to do this slow but well. With that said I planed on going the 10 min but after 3 amrap and feeling myself want to go to the knees for the push ups I decided I would do 5 mins and push myself and keep my knees up. So final amrap was 4 in 5 min.

  5. Well, I figured I would push myself and went for the 10 minutes. I completed 6 Rounds + 15 (5 push-ups and 10 sit-ups). Squats are not my friend. I have a feeling I will be sore tomorrow.

  6. I got rebuked today for not having posted. Sorry. 8 rounds in 10 minutes. I'm sore but looking forward to tomorrow.

  7. Good job, all of you! I'm so happy you've joined the crossfit world. You will love it. Congrats on a successful first WOD!
