Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Monday, September 19, 2011

Tuesday September 20

Warm up

5 min AMRAP
5 Push ups
10 Situps
15 Squats

Rest 2 mins

5 min AMRAP
7 Burpees
7 Ball Cleans

Great Hip Extensions Corey aka Super Women.


  1. 5 rounds of the first set (+5 pushups +10 sits +5 sqauts). Almost a 6th round - next time.
    4 rounds of the second set (+5 burpees) w/ 20# ball

    My burpees feel kinda pathetic - flopping to the ground, and my toes barely leaving the ground during the jumps (darn gravity). So I got room to improve there.

    Thanks to the morning crew for keeping me motivated.

    If you want to compare with the last time we did something similar, look at the 10 minutes of push-ups, sit-ups squats on Sep 3 ( ).

  2. feeling good, man buries are harder than they look.

  3. Added a round 1/2 in 3 weeks. Not Bad still have TONS of room for improvement though. And I'll be the first to admit that my ball cleans and burpees were getting rather sad...

  4. Ok, So I did 4 rounds + 5 push ups of the first AMRAP.

    I did 3 rounds of the 7&7 (which would taste really good right now), with a 20# ball. Gonna be sore tomorrow. Kelly pushed me cuz he was awesome!!!
