Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wednesday September 14

Warm up + 200 meter sprints x2


Double Unders

Everyones deadlifts were awesome. 


  1. My thanks to the 6 am crew and coaches for keeping it fun.

    200 m Sprints: 41s, 44s

    WOD scaled to use single-unders and skipped every other set
    - i.e. - 150 jump-ropes, 50 situps, 90 jumpropes, 30 situps, 30 jumpropes, 10 situps

    Time: 7:09

    I'm looking forward to my rest day tomorrow. I'm feeling pretty sore in the region between my neck and my toenails.

  2. I did it Rx and got 10.26. I have never done all the double understand in a WOD before so that is an accomplishment. I got 51 and 50 sec on the 200 meter spirnt. Fun workout today! I missed all the ladies that weren't at the 9:30 class today.
