Aerobic, Nutritional, Tenacious and Simple

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thursday September 8

Warm up

4 rounds for time.
400 meter run.
20 air squats
10 sumo deadlift highpulls 75/55 #.

Great Job Marco and Jo.   Nice looking Cleans.


  1. You had to go and post a pic of us?! Funny. Jo hates to see pics of herself, even tho she is SO CUTE. Too bad you cannot really make out my pony-tail. :-) Fun class, doubt I will move tomorrow. Need a break to recover for a few days.

  2. Camie...if I didn't love ya...:-) Marco is right, I just about freaked out when I saw this, but whatever! I hate burpees, just sayin!
    (oh, and did I mention that pigs must be flying somewhere because my husband is LOVING Cross-fit?) Still a little bitter that it took Sparky to get him there, but whatever works :-) We love working out with such awesome people!!

  3. As prescribed. I forgot my time though.

  4. Oh I needed pushing harder today Camie. Kicking myself for only doing 3 round just from whimpping out. Chalking it up to it just my first week but I could have done it. Round 4 would have been the breaking point, &isn't that what it's all about pushing yourself to new heights, next week I'm going for it!!
    Today 3 rounds with 26# sumo deadlift pulls
    Plus a 3 mile run this morning with Nancy ;-)

  5. Joy, don't beat yourself up. You did awesome, especially since you'd gone for a run. I can tell the trainers are going to have to watch you to make sure you don't push too hard!!

    Good job, everyone! It's so fun to see you all so excited about crossfit.

  6. The morning classes did awesome. Alot of you have complained about soreness, make sure your stretching throughout the day and drinking water. Keep coming its good to workout even when sore, but don't forget to take some rest day. I also wanted to mention Friday night classes are canceled, im leaving town for the weekend, but Clark will be teaching Saturday morning so come gave some fun.

  7. are 100% correct about Joy!! She is an animal and never stops! Watch that one! :-)

  8. So, do as I say not as I do, right? I couldn't resist, I hit the 8:30 pm class with Tracy and Skyler. Nice job guys, Skyler killed it on the run.

    I think my time was a molasses-like 13:42 done RX.

    I know we are all just adjusting to the new gym, our new trainers, and the intense soreness, but now is a great time to invite your friends. There are still a few spots left at the introductory price. And the next 20 people still get a discount as well. Here is what people need to know:

    1. Anyone can do it. (we adjust the workouts to fit the needs of the individual whether 5 or 85)
    2. You absolutely get results
    3. It's fun!

    Tell people to give it a month, or a week or at least come in and try it once. To really see results you have to give it a little longer than a day or even a week. But results come.

    Working out with friends and family is the best, it's a lot more fun that working out by yourself.
